Design and Engineering Technology Job Certificate Program Detail Page

Job Certificate Programs

Job Certificate Programs

How do I register?

To register for classes, first visit to learn more about the California Community Colleges application, financial aid, orientation, and other resources. For more information, please contact the Sacramento City College Admissions Office at (916) 558-2351.

Where is this Job Certificate Program?

Sacramento City College
3835 Freeport Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95818


The Design Technology and Engineering Technology degree and certificate emphasize the knowledge and skills required for entry-level success in the architectural, civil, and mechanical engineering professions. These include graphic standards and practices, technical analysis and communication, material sciences, and the design and critique processes. In addition, projects include environmental (sustainable) design, product economics, and legal considerations. Current computer technologies and various design software for three-dimensional modeling and two-dimensional drafting are used throughout the program. Graphic documentation and a portfolio of work are created for each course.
Refer to the Class Schedule for each school term to obtain information about specific dates and times for courses and other satellite locations where courses may be offered. Class Schedules for each of the four colleges can be found at: indicating a URL to an external Web site